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Reclaim The Health Of Your Teeth

Taking proper care of your oral health is critical, but with so much conflicting and inaccurate information available, it can be confusing and overwhelming to know what’s truly helpful and what’s not. Some of today’s main oral health issues are discussed below and in the radio show, along with some suggestions for reclaiming the health of your gums and teeth. Mercury Fillings In today’s world, it’s common knowledge that mercury fillings are not ideal. But contrary to popular belief, the best answer isn't necessarily to have them removed by your dentist. There’s some critical information you must know when dealing with mercury fillings that can help protect your health. Firstly, unless a tooth with a mercury amalgam cracks, breaks or decays, it’s best to not remove your fillings. The mercury is contained and will be far less detrimental to your health if they’re left alone. If a filling is damaged by a tooth breaking or decaying, that’s when it is helpful to remove the amalgam. If you are someone who already struggles with a host of health issues, such as memory loss, heart palpitations, brain fog, deficiencies, a heavy viral or toxic load, sensitive nervous system and many more, it’s particularly important to leave them where they are so the removal doesn’t trigger even more sickness. It’s tragic to see people, who were already experiencing health issues, remove all of their fillings at once and then experience a collapse of their health and well-being. Thankfully, you now have the knowledge to prevent this from happening. If you’re insistent that you want to remove your mercury amalgams or they’re broken and you have several of them, it’s important you do not remove them all at once. Instead, try to visit a well-equipped biological, holistic, or trusted conventional dentist and have them removed one at a time every month, every three months, or even every six months depending on your overall health. As a filling is removed, mercury in the amalgam can vaporize, enter the bloodstream, and weaken the immune system. Spacing out the removal process of each amalgam allows the immune system to recover from the release of the mercury and helps minimize the impact on your health. This is especially important if you already struggle with neurological symptoms, sensitivities, or illness. The removal of these fillings and the subsequent vaporized mercury act as a trigger, and when the immune system is in a weakened state, viral and bacterial infections such as Epstein-Barr virus and streptococcus can easily take root and grow stronger by feeding on the mercury released into the bloodstream. Many people suffer from neurological symptoms and conditions such as severe anxiety, depression, tingles, numbness, brain fog, memory loss, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, MS, ringing in the ears, vertigo, dizziness, fatigue, and many other mystery symptoms after having their fillings removed all at once because of this. This process can also trigger lyme disease, which I discuss in more depth in my first book, Medical Medium. In my new book Thyroid Healing, I share a detailed list of neurological symptoms and exactly what causes them that’s important for everyone to understand.

If you’ve already removed your fillings all at once, do not be disheartened. You can still recover! It’s time to dive into the heavy metal detox I discuss in my book Medical Medium and in my Heavy Metal Detox blog post. It’s imperative to practice the heavy metal protocol while building up your immune system to help your body to restore. This is helpful even if you’ve had only one removed. Root Canals Conventional and alternative medical communities often blame root canals for countless mystery symptoms and illnesses people are experiencing. In truth, root canals are not to blame. Viruses, heavy metals, chemical exposure, MSG exposure, aspartame exposure, mold exposure— these agitators are the real reasons for symptoms and mystery illnesses. Root canals do have their issues, but when a cavity is at an advanced stage you either have to remove the tooth completely, or undergo a root canal procedure. Root canals can age, wear down and sometimes small amounts of bacteria can accumulate, but these tiny amounts of bacteria are not causing the major health issues people are experiencing. If you do have a severely infected root canal and abscessed tooth or gum, then removing the tooth could be a wise choice, otherwise leaving your teeth as is might be the best option. Sometimes people get their root canals, and even perfectly normal teeth removed, because of jaw pain. In most cases, the jaw pain and trigeminal nerve pain remains even after the removal. That’s because the pain is not connected to teeth issues, but is caused one of the many varieties of the shingles virus. I discuss the issues this virus causes in my book Medical Medium. Instead of getting a root canal, another option is an implant. Unfortunately, there are drawbacks to implants, and a root canal surgery still might be the better choice. Although the titanium used in implants is typically not as toxic for the body as other metals, some people are still very sensitive and can’t handle the interaction well. That’s why I would usually suggest choosing a root canal over an implant. Instead of opting for a root canal or implant, some people choose to play it safe and just have the teeth removed. Living without several teeth is an option that can work best for some people. Receding gums There are a number of reasons people struggle with receding gums, but fortunately there are many ways to help prevent further gum recession. Compromised gut and intestinal health is one reason people struggle with receding gums. When the stomach loses most of its hydrochloric acid, toxic acids takeover and while you are sleeping, these bad acids come up from the stomach and destroy the gums, causing them to recede. Low hydrochloric acid is extremely common today. The best way to restore hydrochloric acid is to drink 16oz of straight celery juice daily on an empty stomach. A second issue that impacts gum health occurs when your body is unable to break down the food that you eat and it rots in the gut. This rotting food produces ammonia which rises into the mouth and eats away at the gums and teeth. Lastly, poor food choices can lead to gum recession. Cutting out or drastically minimizing your coffee and processed food intake can help curb gum and teeth problems you may be experiencing. It’s also important to remove the damaging foods I list in my books, Medical Medium and Life-Changing Foods.

Is Fruit Bad for You? This is one of the greatest and most detrimental misconceptions of our time! No, fruit is definitely not bad for you! You do not have to fear fruit. Fruit does not feed bacteria, it kills it. Fruit, rich in antioxidants and minerals, can stave off disease in the mouth while allowing your gums time to heal. Biting into raw fruit massages the gums and delivers oxygen. Dentists are absolutely correct about staying away from candy and processed sugars, but an abundance of fruit in your diet will only benefit you and your dental health. Dental Health Questions & Answers Q: Can a broken filling contribute to a thyroid disorder? A: No, broken fillings do not contribute to a thyroid disorder. A root canal, gum disease or any other dental issue is not responsible for a thyroid issue. All thyroid problems stem from the Epstein-Barr virus. I explain this in great detail in my new book Thyroid Healing. Q: Is charcoal powder for teeth safe to use? A: Yes, charcoal powder is safe to use on your teeth, but do not swallow it. Make sure to spit it out and rinse well. Q: Are dental issues related to the Epstein-Barr virus? A: In some ways dental issues may be connected. An example of this is when a handful of dental amalgams are removed all at once and the vaporized mercury from that procedure enters the bloodstream and significantly weakens the immune system. At that point, a pre-existing underlying Epstein-Barr virus infection can grow stronger and cause new symptoms or worsen existing symptoms. Fortunately, there are many healing measures you can take to overpower Epstein-Barr, which I discuss in my books, Medical Medium andLife-Changing Foods, and in my radio show called “Epstein-Barr Virus Revealed.” Q: Are tooth issues related to lyme disease? A: Similar to Epstein-Barr’s relationship to dental issues, viruses that cause lyme symptoms might flare up and overwhelm the system if several dental amalgams are removed due to mercury triggering any underlying issues you already have. Other than that, tooth issues and lyme disease are not related. Taking Care of Your Gums and Teeth Using an electric toothbrush is great for dental health. Two great electric toothbrush brands to checkout are Oral-B and Phillips Sonicare. The Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator is another great device that allows oxygen to reach the gums.

Nature’s Answer has a line of products including Perio-Brite Mouthwash, Perio-Brite Toothpaste, PerioRub for gum and tooth discomfort, and PerioCleanseoral cleansing concentrate which can be used with the Hydro Floss oral irrigator for maximum results.

Lucky Toothpaste is another good product that not only remineralizes the teeth and gums, but also rebuilds enamel. This organic Brushing Rinse is a wonderful addition to your oral health routine.

If you have advanced dental issues or want some other high-quality oral care product options, Living Libations produces very high quality oral health products including a great toothpaste, tooth powder, gum gel, enamelizer, gum drops, and tooth serum.

All these product recommendations and more can be found on the personal care recommendations page on the Medical Medium website. Healing Supplements Hawaiian spirulina is an incredible supplement that will help pull heavy metals like mercury out of the intestinal tract, while also remineralizing teeth and gums. It will not pull mercury out of any silver fillings you might have, it will only draw out the mercury that’s been creating havoc in your system for years.Sovereign silver helps fight against bacterial issues and is an overall excellent support for the gums and teeth.

Check out Liposomal C or Ester-C for two great sources of vitamin C, which is incredible for both gums and teeth. If a dentist indicates you may have a low-grade infection, increasing the amount of Vitamin C you are taking can be very beneficial.

Coenzyme Q10 and a probiotic are two other supportive supplements. A helpful herbal tea to try out is peppermint.

Healing Foods Aloe vera helps prevent gum recession and tooth decay. On my blog, there are instructions on how to prepare aloe water and the incredible benefits of adding this into your diet. Papaya, like aloe vera, helps fight back against ammonia in the gut. And like celery juice, it helps raise your hydrochloric acid while protecting.

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