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About Me

My Story

My story begins when my first Son was born. He proved to be intolerant to dairy protein, had bad Colic and never slept. Every Medical professional I saw recommended Gaviscon but my instincts told me that no brand new baby should be asked to start its life taking medicines.  So my search began into finding solutions for him. As he grew up I also found him to be very sensitive to sugars including fructose and this was impacting his behaviour in a big way. Where the Medical professionals said he had ADHD, I found that if I limited sugars, even the good ones, he no longer displayed these "ADHD" behaviours.


Things really ramped up when my second Son got incredibly sick and the Medical Professionals had no explanation. I was told I was overreacting and an over zealous parent, if there is such a thing. My son was dying in front of me and I was being told he was just fine. I refused to accept their conclusions and emersed myself for 3 months, day and night in research. I had some private testing done where I found out he has Gene Mutations that were impacting his ability to detox every day life toxins. I found that he couldn't process synthetic Vit D and therefore living in the UK with limited sunshine was in part adding to his illness. His living environment needed to change, his nutrition needed to change, I had to source everything non toxic possible from cleaning products to bedding. Our whole lives needed to change in order to try heal him.


I made the decision to return to South Africa to allow him Sun, Sea and Fresh Air. Here the food is less "polluted" and I had not realised how much I needed the support of my family through the tough times that illness brings. I am pleased to say that he is improving quicker than I thought possible although there is a ways to go.


My nutrition beliefs revolve around the thought that food and eating should be an enjoyable experience while being nourishing. Sometimes in the beginning the changes are challenging but the rewards are worth it. My focus is the restoration of excellent metabolic function by helping you break free from restrictive diets, achieve balanced hormonal health, vibrant energy, and natural weight management, achieving a life of health without the stress, worry and guilt of what to eat. I am driven and motivated to try assist as many people as possible, especially children, towards health.



Digestive wellness

Food allergies & intolerance

Healthy cooking / meal planning

Diet and Detoxification

Elimination diets

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