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   "Eat Better, Feel Better, Live Better"

What we do and how I can help


A nutritionist is an expert when it comes to how the food we eat impacts the body. I offer recommendations for diet and lifestyle in order to alleviate or prevent ailments. You don’t need to be sick in order for a Nutritionist to be able to help you. In fact its better if you are not ill as prevention is better than cure. 

I can help clarify nutrition facts from fiction, teach nutritional basics, provide healthy eating plans and recipes and explain how eating healthy can improve your health. 

I provide recommendations which may include guidance on detoxification, weight loss, disordered eating, Holistic treatments, natural Supplements,  the avoidance of  ‘toxins’ or ‘allergens’ and ways to improve your energy levels.


Some areas I assist with are:


Weight loss

I can assist you to lose weight in a healthy way for sustained weight loss.  Helping and educating you through the process is important, but I can also offer support, counsel and help you stay creative with your food and exercise choices.

I can help you see where you can make shifts in your environment and food choices that can help you be successful and keep the weight off.


Food allergies and testing

As food allergies become more common, I can help someone with food allergies or intolerances avoid products that may be contributing to making you unwell.

I will also make sure you are still getting balanced nutrition if you have to cut out foods from your diet.

Food allergies such as gluten, lactose, eggs or tree nuts can be tricky, because so many foods can have these ingredients in them.

I will help you decipher food labels for all the names that allergens can be hiding under.


Nutrition for diseases

What can you eat if you develop diabetes?  What should you eat if you have cancer and are on chemo?  What should you eat if you have high blood pressure, ulcerative colitis, gout, etc?

The list could go on.  Because food has a direct impact on your health, anytime you have a dis-eased state, it can be beneficial to meet with a nutritionist/dietitian.

I can assist you in understanding what you should eat or stay away from specific to your condition.


Nutrient deficiencies

Even if you get enough, or too many, calories, you could be undernourished.  By assessing your current diet I will be able to assist you with any deficiency in a nutrients, and help you get your levels back to where they should be.

A common deficiency especially for women is Iron, and a I can help you know what to eat or what foods to combine for optimal absorption of iron.

We may do a hair sample analysis to determine deficiencies and in some cases, although rarely a medical team will be working together with myself to solve these issues, as some deficiencies can be found only through testing like blood draws. 


Healthy relationship with food and eating plans for Children, Babies, Pregnant woman and the Aged

You don’t need to be sick or want weight loss just to see a nutritionist/dietitian.  Another great way a nutritionist/dietitian can help is to help establish a healthy relationship with food.

Disordered eating is growing right along with the obesity epidemic, and speaking with someone about this can really help free you from any bondage you feel with food.

I have been trained in putting together nutritionally balanced meal plans for babies, children, pregnant and breastfeeding woman and older people.


Sports nutrition

The field of sports nutrition is really expanding; athletic teams and individual athletes can have their own sports nutritionist.

The food you eat can have a strong impact on your exercise performance, so working with a nutritionist/dietitian for athletic performance goals can really be helpful.



A nutritionist can be helpful in many ways. I can give an educated insight into how the food you eat impacts your health whether for prevention or because you have a disease, desire weight loss, have an allergy or some disordered eating. I can clear up nutrition myths and help you realise what you should really be focusing on for your health.  I am able to support and encourage you and provide fresh ideas for healthy eating. 


Nutrition is an ever evolving field with new studies and recommendations, which unfortunately, many times becomes confusing. However there are some nutrition basics that remain the same and I am here to help you get back to these basics and better equip you to live a healthier, happier life. It’s time to start honouring your body. Trust yourself, trust the process,  believe that you can succeed and start respecting what your body. Will you join me in this journey? 


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