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Consulting and Pricing



Initial consultation: R800.00


Follow up consultations: R400.00


Full Review consultation: R600.00


Telephone/email support between consultations: R150.00


3 follow up consultation package: R1000.00

(If paid at time of booking all 3 visits, excluding initial consultation)(save R200.00)


Tests and Supplements: Prices vary. These are discussed with you during the consultation if they may be beneficial to you.


"I contacted Kaylee for Nutrition and Weight Loss counselling. Throughout my lifetime I have tried many different ways to loose weight and have always failed. With the aid of Kaylee's personalised program I learnt how to understand the food I eat and my body's reaction to it. It was not about restricting my diet, but rather learning how to make more informed choices regarding food types. Kaylee also encouraged me to increase my exercise so that my body would work more efficiently towards my goal. Kaylee is professional and yet displays compassion and dedication to her clients. Thank you!

— Catherine Martin, South Africa

What to expect from a consultation


An extensive questionnaire will be sent to you prior to your consultation for you to complete with your current health information, history, typical diet and lifestyle. This will be sent back for potential nutritional imbalances to be analysed and assessed. It also gives me a clear idea of your goals and in which areas you require assistance.


The consultation itself is around 60 to 90 minutes long and can be in person, over Skype or by telephone. It will begin by gathering additional information from you and discussing your goals. From the information you provide, potential nutritional imbalances are assessed and an explanation given on how they may link to your symptoms and health concerns. 


An individualised Action Plan is then agreed with you, along with advice on adjustments you can make to your lifestyle and diet in order to support your health concerns. Support is provided to help you incorporate these changes into your lifestyle along with meal ideas, alternative healthy food options, what to eat when on the go or eating out.


Advice is given on the use of additional vitamin/mineral supplements if necessary.


Diagnostic testing is often used to remove the guesswork of identifying deficiencies or conditions that hinder healing. They will be suggested if appropriate to your individual circumstances.


Follow up consultations are usually around 45 minutes long and are booked at 2 weeks then 1, 3 and 6 months unless you require more support.

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