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An Easy and Cleansing Juice Recipe

With a new year upon us, it's the perfect time to reset your health and bring in some tools to facilitate deeper healing. This recipe for cucumber juice from my book Thyroid Healing is simple but deeply healing. Cucumber juice packs a powerful punch of hydration into a small glass. In fact, it’s the best rejuvenation tonic in the world. This juice is subtle and sweet, and you just may find that you absolutely love the taste.

Get this healing recipe below and discover what the incredible foods in this recipe can do for you in the below excerpt from Thyroid Healing…

"Cucumbers strengthen the adrenals and kidneys and flush EBV neurotoxins out of the bloodstream. Hydrate the lymphatic system, especially the part based around the neck area (where the thyroid has its own immune system with specially assigned lymphocytes that seek out EBV cells), allowing for better cleansing of the thyroid. Cucumber hydration can slow down and even stop a fresh mononucleosis infection."

Cucumber Juice


2 large cucumbers


Rinse the cucumbers and run them through a juicer. Drink immediately. Alternatively, you can chop the cucumbers and blend them in a high-speed blender until smooth. Strain and drink immediately.


Use organic cucumbers whenever possible. When using conventional cucumbers, be sure to wash them especially well before juicing.

If you find the taste of straight cucumber juice too strong, you can juice some apple with the cucumber as you adjust to the flavor. This will make it slightly less effective. Before long, you may find that you crave cucumber juice all on its own.

If drinking the full 16 ounces that this recipe yields feels like too much in the beginning, start with a few sips and work your way up over time.

Find out more about the top healing foods for the thyroid and overall health in Thyroid Healing.

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