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Happy Hormone Smoothie Recipe

Food really is the best form of medicine, especially when you’re talking hormones. And you can’t talk hormones without talking about blood sugar – the two go hand in hand. This smoothie recipe helps support balanced hormones by keeping blood sugar levels stabilized with adequate fiber, healthy fats, and plant based protein with minimal fruit sugars. Try adding a dash of cinnamon as well – it contains compounds that have been shown to promote healthy insulin response.

  • 1 scoop vegan plant based protein powder

  • 1-2 heaping tablespoons almond butter

  • 2 heaping tablespoons chia seeds

  • 2 big handfuls of spinach

  • 1/2 frozen banana (read how to freeze bananas)

  • 1 1/2 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk & 1/2 cup filtered water

  • Optional: cinnamon to taste


Blend ingredients until smooth

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