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Remineralizing Toothpaste

I’ve noticed definite changes in my teeth over the last few years of using this toothpaste. My teeth are whiter than they’ve ever been and everyone who I’ve asked to try this remineralizing toothpaste has remarked that it makes their teeth feel very clean.

The most surprising change in my teeth, however, was that they are no longer sensitive to cold! For as long as I can remember, biting into anything cold (or even thinking of it!) made me shudder and hurt my front teeth. After switching toothpaste, I noticed that I could eat cold foods without my teeth hurting at all. I have never been able to do that before!

This toothpaste recipe is kid-approved, and since it has no fluoride, its safe on babies, toddlers, and those with thyroid problems.


  • 5 parts Calcium powder

  • 1 part Diatomaceous Earth (optional- contains trace minerals and silica. UPDATE: A reader noted that DE can be abrasive and is not needed with the baking soda, so if you don’t have DE… no worries!)

  • 2 parts Baking Soda

  • 3 parts Xylitol Powder– This ingredient is not completely necessary, but just keeps it from tasting bitter.

  • 3-5 parts coconut oil to get desired texture

  • Optional ingredients: Essential oils for flavor (mint, cinnamon, and orange are all good), Myrrh and Trace Minerals

Remineralizing Toothpaste Instructions

  1. Mix all powdered ingredients (calcium, Baking Soda, Xylitol) well in a bowl.

  2. Add Coconut Oil one part at a time until you get desired consistency.

  3. Add any optional ingredients, including Essential Oils for flavor (my favorite is Peppermint Orange)

  4. Store in small container like ½ pint glass jar. To use, either dip clean toothbrush into it, or use Popsicle stick or spoon to put on toothbrush. I’ve also thought of storing in a plastic bag with a corner cut off to be able to squeeze like toothpaste, but haven’t tried it yet.


For this recipe, “part” denotes whatever unit of measurement you are using. For instance, if part=tablespoon, you would need 5 tablespoons calcium powder, 1 tablespoon diatomaceous earth, etc.

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