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Thyroid Healing Smoothie

Depending on which of the additions you use, this smoothie's healing properties will vary. But you can feel great about all of them! Let's take a look at some of the ingredients and their undiscovered healing properties that I share in Thyroid Healing.

Mangoes contain a tremendous amount of carotene to restore the spleen and liver, feed the brain, and purge the lymphatic system of viral waste-matter toxins. Mangoes also provide bioactive magnesium and glucose that calm nerves to aid in sleep issues caused by Epstein-Barr Virus.

Bananas provide amino acids and the right kind of potassium to rebuild neurotransmitters after they’ve been burnt out by viral neurotoxins. They're also powerful for their antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Bananas are a wonderful calcium source because the trees grow in calcium-rich soil and they’re also a great tool for hypoglycemia, as they help balance blood sugar. Don’t worry about the fad that says bananas have too much sugar. Their fruit sugar is actually critical brain food, plus it’s bonded to the amino acids and minerals that give bananas their life-changing nutrition.

Spinach creates an alkaline environment in the body and provides highly absorbable micronutrients to the nervous system. This wonderful leafy green binds onto and removes the jelly-like viral waste matter in the liver that can contribute to mystery weight gain and mystery heart flutters. Especially good at rejuvenating skin and turning around conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Arugula reduces nodules, tumors, and cysts in the thyroid (both cancerous and benign) and helps prevent EBV-related thyroid cancer in the first place. Arugula’s phytochemical compounds enter into the thyroid, rejuvenating tissue there while reducing thyroid scar tissue. These compounds also push out old storage bins of thyroid medication from the liver.

Atlantic sea vegetables (especially dulse and kelp): Just as we put iodine on wounds, the iodine content of Atlantic sea vegetables such as dulse is an antiseptic for the thyroid—when it soaks into the gland, it becomes one of the thyroid’s most powerful fighting mechanisms next to zinc. Luckily, dulse and other sea vegetables also contain some zinc. These two precious minerals at work together can stop a viral infection in the thyroid, bringing down thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid) in the process. Sea vegetables also help protect the thyroid from radiation’s effects, remove radiation from the thyroid, and prevent thyroid cancer.

Ginger helps with nutrient assimilation and relieves spasms. Loaded with its own signature variety of bioavailable vitamin C, ginger is also a powerful antiviral. One of ginger’s special qualities is its ability to bring the body out of a reactive state by soothing nerves and muscles. Ginger helps bring balance and homeostasis to the thyroid, lifting it up if it’s hypo and calming it down if it’s hyper.

Oranges provide a rich source of calcium, which is vital when your body needs the mineral to block EBV from causing thyroid damage. Getting plenty of bioavailable calcium—the best source is citrus—prevents your body from needing to tap into the calcium reserves in your bones. Oranges’ and tangerines’ vitamin C content, too, is a tool against EBV, helping to revive the liver from EBV damage and purge the organ of fat and EBV debris, in the process helping you lose weight.

Cilantro is a miracle worker for EBV. Critical for binding onto the toxic heavy metals such as mercury and lead that feed the virus. Also binds onto the EBV neurotoxins that, when loose in your system, can cause tingles and numbness, aches and pains, inflammation, depression, and anxiety.

Aloe vera gel from a fresh aloe leaf is a wonderful antiviral that also flushes toxins out of the bloodstream and body, helping to purge the liver specifically of toxins such as pesticides. Aloe supports the adrenals and draws radiation out of the thyroid.

Raspberries are a great full-body detoxifying food, rich in antioxidants that specifically remove EBV’s byproduct and other viral debris from the bloodstream, allowing for easier overall cleansing. Raspberries also tend to bind onto and remove impurities delivered to the intestinal tract by a liver burdened by viral waste matter.

Learn more about the foods that support healing of thyroid problems and many other symptoms and conditions in Thyroid Healing.

Base Ingredients:

  • 2 cups mango (fresh or frozen)

  • 1 banana

  • 1 cup water

Suggested Healing Additions:

  • 2 cups of spinach

  • ½ cup arugula

  • 1 teaspoon kelp powder

  • ½ inch ginger, peeled

  • 1 orange, juiced

  • ½ cup cilantro

  • ½ cup aloe vera gel

  • ½ cup raspberries


Combine the mango and banana with 1 cup of water in a blender. Add any of the suggested additions in assorted combinations. If you’re feeling adventurous, go ahead and add them all for an incredible healing smoothie! Blend until smooth. Serve and enjoy!


  • Get creative and play with different flavor combinations. I recommend trying the additions in the ingredients list (including orange juice, cilantro, spinach, arugula, raspberries, and aloe vera) above as a jumping-off point.

Makes 1 serving

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