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Grass-fed Vs Grain-fed Beef

Why is grass-fed superior?

For a moment, think of grass-fed cows as four-legged lawn mowers. This means instead of being cooped up in small spaces eating all day, they are always on the move, grazing in green pastures.

Exercise leads to more muscle tone and leaner cattle. And the resulting beef? Well it’s chewier, contains less fat, is rich in heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, and the flavor is more varied than the typical grocery store cuts of beef that come from corn-raised cows.

Farmers first made the switch from grass to corn years ago because corn allows them to fatten up their cattle faster. But these animals are not healthy! And when we eat animals that are not healthy – we become unhealthy!

If you want to change the food industry, your body, and get healthy you have to make the commitment to stop eating factory farmed meat.



  • Consumer Reports study recommends you avoid conventionally raised grain-fed beef from feedlots and eat 100% grass-fed beef.

  • Conventional grain-fed beef is twice as likely to contain dangerous bacteria resistant to antibiotics called superbugs.

  • Conventional grain-fed cattle are packed into foul feedlots where disease can quickly spread. This is why they’re hooked up to a range of antibiotics. Compare this to the stress-free grassy pastures that grass-fed cows enjoy their entire lives.


  • Never fed hormones or antibiotics.

  • Less total fats, saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories

  • More antioxidants including Vitamin A and Vitamin E.

  • 2 – 5X the anti-inflammatory heart healthy Omega-3’s. This is because Omega-3’s are primarily found in the green leaves of plants.

  • 2X the CLA’s (conjugated linoleic acid) which may encourage muscle growth, reduce heart disease, and lower cancer risks.

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