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Cancers: What You Need To Know

I found this very interesting. At the time that I was researching what was happening to my middle son, I found that Anthony Williams, Medical Medium or not, was stating the same information as I was finding in my scientific research. Here is his write up for his new book.

The Origins of Thyroid & Other Cancers

My introduction to cancer came at age four, at the same time that I first received my gift from Spirit. I was seated at the family dinner table when Spirit appeared to me, instructing me to inform my grandmother that she had lung cancer. Though I didn’t know what the term meant, I repeated it, much to the shock of everyone at the table. The doctor soon confirmed that the revelation was true.

Afterward, I asked Spirit how it had happened. Why had my grandmother gotten cancer? Spirit answered that it was a combination of a virus, EBV, plus a variety of toxins in the form of heavy metals, DDT and other pesticides, solvents, plastics, and petroleum. The words were foreign to me at that young age, though I could tell they were serious. Since then—for the entire time I’ve had this gift—I’ve taken cancer personally. Over the decades, I’ve helped countless people who were battling cancer to find answers, safety, and healing.

Cancer is a big and scary topic, and it remains a mystery to medical research and science. The answers aren’t out there about why it even exists or how to protect yourself and your loved ones, so people are left with a void.

With every book, I want to include as much healing information as I possibly can. I set out to give you every possible insight at once, and then I always come up against the reality: that it’s just one book, and I can’t fit in everything there is to say. Until now, there simply hasn’t been room to address cancer in more detail. I believe it’s finally time to change that.

The Not-So-Distant Past

You’ll hear from other sources that cancer has always been part of our human history. Going back five hundred years, one thousand years, even going back to ancient times, cancer has gotten in the way of life, these sources say. You’ll be told that cancer can be found in mummies, and one day, you’ll even be told that cancer was discovered in a caveman found preserved in ice for tens of thousands of years.

The truth is that real, malignant cancer is a comparatively recent development. While the tumors of old could be life-threatening if they grew in such a way that they impeded organ function, they weren’t caused by cancer cells; they were benign. When the ancient Greeks used the word that eventually led to our English word cancer, they weren’t referring to what we mean today when we say “cancer.” Theirs was a blanket term for all disease, when someone was ailing, not recovering, and even dying without explanation. Tumors—and there were only non-cancerous tumors—made up only a tiny fraction of that definition. The tumors of the day formed from old scar tissue from flesh wounds and from toxic heavy metals saturating living tissue. Real, malignant cancer’s true origins only go back to the Industrial Revolution.

Why are we told otherwise? Why are we led to believe that cancer is practically prehistoric? Because if we believe that cancer has been with us since the beginning of humankind, then we’ll think that a predisposition toward it is written into our genes—and therefore we’re the ones who should take the blame for it. If we’re convinced that we create cancer within ourselves, or that cancer is our fault because we’re frail human beings, we won’t look harder for the answers we’re not supposed to know.

Well, you deserve answers—so let’s get rid of the mystery around thyroid cancer.

The Thyroid Cancer Virus

Ninety-eight percent of the time, cancer is caused by a virus and at least one type of toxin. There are many viruses that can be involved with cancer; the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is one of them. Ever heard of mononucleosis, also called glandular fever or “the kissing disease”? That’s an early stage of EBV, and it’s rampant, though the symptoms are often so mild that they aren’t diagnosed as mono. In a later stage, years after any mono symptoms have disappeared, and in combination with toxins, EBV is the virus responsible for thyroid cancer. (EBV is also responsible for breast cancer, liver cancer, almost all lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, women’s reproductive cancers, leukemia, and many more. More in Medical Medium Thyroid Healing: The Truth behind Hashimoto’s, Graves’, Insomnia, Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Nodules & Epstein-Barr.)

It’s easy to think that a mother and daughter who look alike and sound alike and both develop thyroid cancer in their lifetimes get that same cancer because of genes. That’s what we’re supposed to think, because it keeps us from investigating outside sources.

While of course facial features and vocal chords are genetic, disease isn’t. Here’s the real equation: Virus + Toxins = Cancer

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